onsdag 1 juni 2011

A tribute to London. (And food. Apparently.)

I arrived in London a chilly winter day in the beginning of January.
I think it rained for five weeks. Non stop. I couldn't care less, I loved being in London from day one.
But then something happened.

The rain stopped.
Did I really say I didn't care about the rain?
Well, I think I did.
Because the spring sprung. And that was lovely.

March 2011 became the driest March in London, not ever, but for a very, very long time.
And then, April became the warmest April in London. Ever.
I think I chose the perfect spring to be in London.


I ate the best meals.
I learnt not to like, but to love, sushi.
And the Indian food... oh my God.
I ate. Often. Realised that I really like food.
My trousers shrinked.
Or maybe it was me that gained some weight.
Anyhow, it was all worth it.

I had afternoon tea.
I wished I had had it every week.
(I think my trousers are happy that I didn't.)

I taught my friends how to bake kladdkaka.
They were amazed and proud. With all rights.
I think my Chinese friend actually succeed to do the best kladdkaka I have ever eaten.

I went horse riding again.
Realised I had missed it.
And that my muscles had forgotten about it.

I met some lovely people.
From Sweden. From China. From the US. From the UK.
From Thailand. From Japan. From Taiwan. From Holland.
From Belgium. From France. From Germany. From Belarus.

And do you know what else I did?
I laughed.

2 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

Har blivit så peppad på att plugga sista terminen efter det att jag har följt din blogg + twitter.
Fast för min del blir det nog Spanien.

När återvänder du till London undrar jag ;)

Johanna sa...

Vad roligt!! Du borde absolut ta chansen, jag ångrar det inte en sekund! Men det sjuka är att jag inte saknat London en sekund heller... Vadå, tycker du jag ska åka tillbaka? Well, Londonsemester blir det garanterat minst en i höst!

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